The Anglo American Belief System
Clement Clarke, April 24, 2007
(08) 9324 1119, 0401 054 155
Who says profits are the only thing worth while having? Why is it did it become the norm that the main reason for a company's existence is to make profits to be shared by the shareholders at the expense of people? Why is it desirable that banks make huge profits and throw people out on the streets? Why is cut-throat competition seen to be desirable? Why is privatization seen as a cure for our ills? Why do we have so many wars?
Why do we allow a child to die every 6 seconds due to lack of water and food?
Why are we destroying the planet?
Why are we allowing companies to put Terminator Genes in our seeds so our plants will not grow naturally? We have to buy products from them to grow our seeds! What absolute suicidal madness is that?
Forget Left and Right. Forget Republicans and Democrats. It isn't about that. It is about Life on the Planet. If there is no Earth (our plaything), then there is no us.
The answer lies in our belief system. Although well known to Psychologists, life scripts are generally not known to the public. There is much available on the web; a Google search for Life Scripts or Negative Beliefs will bring up many sites. Some sites are:
"Your Thinking Virtually Creates Your Reality"
"What Is Your Life Script?",
The Perth State Government Department of Health
"We are what we think.
All that we are arises
With our thoughts.
With our thoughts,
We make our world."
The Buddha
Can a simple change in our beliefs alter the world? Yes, it can, because our world is made up of our current beliefs. By altering our beliefs we affect those around us, and soon our world changes.
Let's first of all change the belief that we are separate individuals all fighting for scarce resources. Let us now choose to believe we are one humanity, all working for the good of all and helping each other and the planet evolve, and enjoy ourselves.
And choose to believe there is enough for all – because there is.
We can make a choice. We can choose to have every man, woman and child fed with best foods and the best water. They can be educated. And healthy. And then they can grow and develop and use their creative spirits to make a better world with having to work 80 hours a week.
Now wouldn't that be a brave new world to aim for? Just by changing a few beliefs.
The notes below formed part of a talk I gave at the Theosophical Society in Perth on May 15th, 2007.
Beliefs and Life Scripts
Over the years, I have become aware of Beliefs. Or our life Scripts. Or mind programs. These can be likened to computer programs running in our heads, and attempting to gain control of our minds. I have also heard such things being likened to a captain of a ship, and the crew. The captain wishes to get his ship to Perth, and the crew decide to go to Sydney. And so a tremendous battle ensues, and often the crew will win. And so it is in our minds. A program or negative belief – that often we are unaware of – really runs our life. Mostly, these were taken on board by us before we are two years old, but are installed in our minds as late as our teen-age years. Usually, we are totally unaware of them. They are like a computer virus in your computer – they can stop us doing what we really want to do.
For example, as the oldest of ten boys, I developed a belief that "there is never enough". And so when I earned money, my belief system started to run and it made sure that any money I earned wasn't enough. It, being a Belief, had to be true. And so money would dissipate to make the belief (of there never being enough) be real! And so it was…. There was never enough, until I discovered about beliefs, and took steps to change them. And some 50% of us apparently believe we are unlovable, and so when love comes, our belief system gets to work and makes sure that we are unlovable, and kicks love out! Perhaps this is a reason for our high divorce rate?
We all have similar beliefs. If you use Google to search for "core beliefs" or "negative beliefs", you will find lots about the subject. There are various methods of removing such beliefs from our minds, and a really excellent simple technique is detailed in the book the "Dark Side of the Light Chasers" by Debbie Ford.
Beliefs are really what control our lives - not our logical, conscious minds... If we believe that we are all separate individuals fighting for scarce resources, then we will set up a system that ensures that battles to control such resources will ensue. If we believe the universe is infinitely abundant, then we will have a totally different view of the world. It is what our mind "filters" will allow in.
When we make a judgment, what we are really doing is blocking out that doesn't fit in with our judgment. We cannot receive new ideas or information because, with judgment, we build walls around ourselves and keep them out. It is better to be totally open to all ideas but be totally conscious and aware.
Calvinism and Jansenism
As a nation society, Americans have a particular set of beliefs. It started in the 1500's with John Calvin, who was reacting against excesses of the Church, and the purchase of indulgences as a way of buying one's way into heaven. John Calvin said that we are predestined to go to heaven or hell, and nothing we do will make any difference. Then the Calvinists became the Huguenots, who became the Pilgrims who then settled America. And naturally, believing in pre-destination, Americans want to know if they are in the group going to heaven or not. How do you tell? They believe that if they are blessed materially (that is, rich) then they are at least in the group that is going to heaven. If you are poor, or black, or any other minority, then you must be going to hell. And hence there is no social security or Medicare to help you live your life. And indeed, just to make sure you get to hell faster, why not have gun laws that allow everyone to have guns so that you can kill each other, and get off the planet faster?
It is a diabolical system, built entirely on a false belief or judgment of a man whose father was kicked out of the Church for stealing. A man who believed that we are depraved and fun was a sin, and hence set up an entire system to make sure that most of the people on the planet suffer. Roughly 50% of Americans believe this, through their belief in Fundamentalist Christianity. Protestantism and Jansenist Catholicism is built on this belief, and the Americans are determined that the entire world will have this view.
Anglo American Judgment of Money
If we make a judgment that money is the way to heaven, then we will set up entire systems to make sure that we have lots. When we make a judgment, all else is locked out, just as love makes us blind. Suppose we believe or make a judgment that we have found the perfect woman or man - you block out all the nasty things she (or he) says to you. We just cannot see them. Or suppose you find a perfect business partner. You find it extraordinarily difficult to see if he steals from you.
And so it is with business. If humanity believes that we must have money to get to heaven, we develop a love of money, and we become blind to all else. Business becomes all embracing – it becomes all that is. And hence we create copyrights and patents so that we can restrict information or products to produce an artificial shortage, and push the price up. And we just cannot see the damage being done by business – the 50 million people who die every year through lack of water or food, for example. Or the hardships that banks place on the entire citizens of the world. Or the raping of the planet. Business is doing it. And we turn a blind eye.
It is simply business.
Money is an Illusion
These days, banks create money from thin air. How else could we have enough money to push the house prices up the astronomical levels they are? There is not enough Gold and Silver to do that.
Here is one reference to Fiat Money systems: Fiat Money
And another: Fiat Money
There are plenty more - just Google FIAT money..
Many Americans believe in the tenants of Calvinism and many more have taken on similar beliefs through ideas of competitive entrepreneurship or are simply forced to act as if they believe through laws passed by Congress. Many other people in the world are also forced to follow similar kinds of life because of American power and the capitalist economy. These related beliefs and actions are based on fundamental divisions in humanity - the elect from the unelect, the rich from the poor, and the 'civilized' countries from the 'barbaric' countries. They authorise those who think they are special to neglect or to outright attack those who are not God's, or capitalism's chosen people.
We are One
Eastern religions have long thought that we are part of the one, as did early Christianity. That we are part of God, and God part of us. Science, starting with Einstein, is now showing that everything is connected. And that we are part of a holographic world, in which we all are parts of the whole, and each of us carries information of the whole. Movies such as "What the Bleep Do We Know" and "The Secret" show us that from scientific and spiritual viewpoints.
When we choose to believe that we are responsible for our lives – in other words, we create our lives through our thoughts, then we can create our lives differently. We can share, we can evolve and we can help evolve the planet, and do so in joy, happiness and fun.
Let us stop competing against ourselves, and co-operatively create a new beautiful world for all of us.
The pendulum needs to swing back to the view that we have free will, and that we create the lives we lead through our own conscious thoughts. And that we can create beauty, fairness and enjoy our lives.
Perhaps we can start by looking at money as it really is - a form of stored energy that pass on to others
Some references: Money as Stored Energy
Calvin and Predestination: ,
Errors in Calvin:,
A new way to work together: